Thursday, November 17, 2005

Georgia Tech Placed on Probation

What is it with major universities and breaking NCAA laws? Now I know that every school probably uses some illegal recruiting methods or tried to persuade professors to give the players “extra time” for assignments, but for a university like Georgia Tech to field academically ineligible athletes is just plain stupid. Isn’t GA Tech known to be a top tier academic school? Surely it is no Harvard or Yale, but it has to be better than most public state universities.

Georgia Tech was placed on probation by the NCAA for 2 years. I hope they weren’t planning on going to the NCAA tournament and possibly the Final Four this year. What a joke college sports has become. It pisses me off that people who can hardly read can be accepted into college just because they play sports. College athletes have tutors and mandatory study time. How can they not maintain academic eligibility. I don’t know what the minimum GPA is, but I’m sure it’s low.

Now I love college sports, but this is just embarrassing and it’s happening everywhere, not just Georgia Tech. The majority of students do work hard in school and their respective sports and because of a few slackers their college athletic careers might be ruined. This is a bad situation for any school. You lose scholarships, recruits, and current athletes might transfer out.

Shame on your Georgia Tech. Shame on you!

picture is taken from


Blogger DocAnt said...

Sadly, something like Gt isn't surprising at all. I agree with everything you said

9:00 PM  

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