Monday, November 28, 2005

Michael Irvin "pipe belong to friend"

Over the weekend, Michael Irvin, former Dallas Cowboys wide receiver and current ESPN analyst, was pulled over for an outstanding speeding ticket and arrested on possession of drug paraphernalia. What this means is that Irvin was speeding and probably doing drugs because he thinks that being a NFL star means you are above the law. Irvin was a key part to the 3 Dallas Cowboy Superbowls in the early 90s.

I’m sure you all know Irvin’s history with drugs. This comes as no surprise because most users stay users. It is very hard to get clean. According to, “Irvin told The Associated Press late Sunday the pipe belonged to a friend of 17 years who left a Houston rehab center and came to Irvin's house in Carrollton for Thanksgiving. Irvin wouldn't reveal his friend's name.” How many times have we heard this “the pipe belonged to a friend.” Why is it that superstar athletes always carry around drugs and pipes and guns for their friends? If their friends are the thugs using these drugs, why can’t they carry them? You have to be a complete moron to carry stuff like this for your friends when you are on TV and constantly in the spotlight. That is why I don’t believe Michael Irvin.

Do these celebrities think the general public is stupid? Carmello Anthony had this issue like two years ago with carry weed for a friend in his personal backpack. Yah right. Rafael Palmiero got steroids in his system, but he doesn’t know how it got there. Yah right. Irvin said, “It's a situation that is not as it seemed. I know the type of demons they have to fight and I am going to help them, because it's the only way I can keep them from getting to my family.” If you’re going to help them, then why are you carrying crack pipes in your car?

None of this makes sense, because it is full of lies. I am calling for the firing of Michael Irvin. I can’t stand him on TV anyways. I’m not sure if this will hurt his chances of getting in the Hall of Fame or not.


Blogger mhofeld said...

I am not an Irvin fan but I hate to hear this. I had hoped that he had got his life straightened up.

2:54 PM  

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